So I watched Judy rise out o f bed. I can never take my eyes off of her when she is naked. I know she likes that. She has told me she finds it reassuring. I concur. When you stop looking at the person in your life when they are naked it is all over. Not finishing. Not coming i nto the home stretch , but full and well kaput. Her breasts. Glorious tits might I add were still full and round with ever prominent erect nipple s . Sensitive occasional orgasm inducing nipples. Well, more than occasional. She can squirm and seep from a n errant brush of a hand over said r ack of desire. A well placed tweak betwixt thumb and fore finger can elicit a gasp and full body quiver. It may have taken a life time of difficult, petulant , hard to never being pleased women in my life to arrive here . B ut her...
Embrace The Smut